Time management isall about striking the right balance between time allotted to all activitiesthat are to be done in a day. It is the process of managing your work in aneffective and efficient way. Effective time management will allow an individualto give the correct amount of time to a particular task and hence enhance one’sproductivity. Time management equips you to not only work harder but also worksmarter. It aids you in prioritizing the tasks according to their importanceand urgency. Time management is what sets successful people apart from theothers. It is driven by an aptitude to be productive and reach one’s goals. It is also of extreme importance for students especially while studying forcompetitive exams like NEET.
The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) was previously known as the All IndiaPre-Medical Test is the test that qualifies candidates for MBBS and BDS programs in medical and dental colleges in India. The test is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The NEETscore and rank decide the college that a particular student will study andhence the quality of education he or she will receive. Time management for NEETpreparation is pivotal because it is a significantly difficult exam to crack and needs consistent and planned efforts to be put in.
Time management forexam preparation puts the student in a better position to succeed and not getoverwhelmed or bogged down under pressure at the last minute. Another reason why time management is required while studying for NEET is because the students have to manage their 11th and 12th grade curriculum apart from the preparationfor the said competitive exam.
Here are a few tipsthat tell you how to manage time for studying daily:

1) Prepare a timetable
In order to preparea time table one should note down all the activities and tasks performed withina day and how much time each task or activity requires. This will help inknowing whether an individual is being productive and how much time is being wasted. One should avoid making drastic changes in their schedule while preparing a timetable as they often fail to be viable. Proper implementation of the time table will help in maintaining consistency and study better for the exam. Shivneri school, a boarding school near Pune city has devised a holistic and efficient timetable for students studying there and appearing for competitive exams like JEE or NEET. The schedule is easy to stick to and has the correct amount of time allotted for leisure and social activities.
2) Prioritize
Students should notstart peppering for the exam by choosing random subjects. This eventually leadsto a lot of stress and confusion. Instead, what they can do is observe theamount of time they need to grasp the concepts of each subject generally an prioritize the subjects accordingly. Students should set deadlines and allot limited time for topics that are easy to comprehend and remember. Students should account for more time for complex and important topics. Subjects should also be prioritised according to their weightage in the exam to score well.
3)Take complete advantage of Mock tests
Mock tests providean insight into the pattern of the test, the kind of questions that are goingto be asked and the time required for different types of questions. Practice tests will provide clarity about the actual exam and also help in knowing what you struggle with and what you are good at. They also improve the ability to comprehend the analytical questions that are asked in the test. Practising previous years question papers will help in understanding the concepts even better. It will also help in knowing the weightage given to the subjects in the test. It also helps in avoiding silly mistakes and increases your accuracy. Most importantly, mock tests help in identifying your strengths and weaknesses that will help in devising a strategy while solving the test.
4) Devise a strategy
Every competitiveexam has different sets of rules and regulations. While studying the studentshould not just study to understand the concepts but also plan and strategizeaccording to the rules, their own strengths and weaknesses and the difficulty level of the questions. Every student is unique and hence different things work for everyone. It is important to find out what works for you and plan accordingly. This will help in minimising the wastage of time while preparation as well as while appearing for the exam.
5) Take time into consideration for revision
Revision helpsstudents to remember and retain all the concepts they have studied. It alsomakes them more efficient by reducing the time required by them to solvequestions. Revision makes the students more confident as they are able to remember the concepts more clearly. It can also help the students to find out if they have missed out on practicing a particular concept. Alloying sufficient time for revision will help the student remain calm and composed before the exam.
6) Account for breaks
Studies have shownthat taking short breaks in between is more efficient than studyingcontinuously. Taking short breaks will boost your productivity and let your brain relax for a while. An exhausted brain tends to make more mistakes hence it is advised to take short breaks. Taking breaks also helps the brain to retain better. This will help the student be more efficient and minimize the wastage of time.Taking short breaks also makes the plan or schedule more realistic and attainable. This in turn helps the student be more consistent while managing time more effectively.
7) Understand your requirements
The student has toobserve and understand his or her own requirements for preparing well for the exam. Just setting a timetable will not work to attain a good score and a good rank. The time table should be set keeping in mind your requirements. For example you should know how much time at a stretch you can study, how long of a break you need after that, how much sleep is sufficient for you, etc. This will enable a student to make the best suitable timetable for him or her by eliminating unwanted tasks that consume time.
8) Learn to say “No”
It is very important to stick to the timetable that you have made for your self. In order to stick to it, you will have to say no to activities that are time-consuming, tiring and are low priority. This helps you to conserve and channel your energy towards your preparation for the exam. It will also help you to make the best use of your time rather than wasting it. This does not mean that one should not partake in leisure activities at all. Here, it is important to strike the right balance. Otherwise students develop a lax attitude and time is not properly managed.
9) Assign realistic goals
Note down the timethat is required by you for different subjects and set daily, weekly andmonthly goals accordingly. Try to avoid underestimating the time required for aparticular task as it disrupts the entire schedule. Make sure you don’t over-schedule tasks as this can lead to stress and anxiety. Realistic goals will make the schedule more sustainable and the student is more likely to follow it.
10) Track your own progress
Right from thebeginning it is helpful to maintain a review section or sheet for yourself totrack the progress of the areas you tend to struggle with, your strengths, time spent on taking breaks and tasks completed. This will show you the changes are required to be made in the schedule so that it’s more effective. It can also be reassuring to look at the progress you’ve made and motivates you to work harder. This helps in being consistent and organised. This will also avoid unnecessary tension and stress for the student.
Importance of effective time management while preparingfor competitive exams:

Helps to maintain balance
Studying too littlein a day is just about as bad as studying an excessive amount of the following outing of responsibility. Byadequately splitting your time between studies, rest, and recreation, youensure the schedule you follow is adjusted and in particular, viable throughout a period of time.
Boosts confidence
Effective timemanagement does not leave room for any procrastination. If the time is managedwell, you can meet daily goals and these achievements motivate you even further. This eventually boosts the student’s confidence and helps him or her to stay calm.
Reduces Panic
Heedless learningand inconsistent study hours trigger panic at the last minute when the assignments start piling up. But if you tirelessly follow a doable schedule through the period of preparation the panic can be completely avoided as you would have a fair idea of your progress and targets because of your effective time management.
Increases efficiency
Time managementenforces discipline. If the student consistently adheres to the schedule andmeets the targets assigned, the student will be in a very good position toscore well. Managing time well has a positive correlation with one’s efficiencyas energy is spent wisely and time is not wasted.
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