Key points from the article:-
- Higher Grades
- Improved education
- Increased confidence
- Behavior
- Benefit to parents
Parents and or guardians are a child’s primary caregivers and are the most important people in a child’s life. They are the ones children listen and talk to. They’re the ones who kids should feel the safest with. Research suggests that regardless of parents’ income and educational background, their involvement in education helps their kids do better in and out of school. Listed below are some of the reasons why your active participation in your child’s life is beneficial for them:
- Higher Grades:
Studies have shown that when parents actively participate in their child’s education get better grades and have higher test scores. A recent study suggests that those parents who are highly involved in the educational process showed that their children were more likely to improve in reading and math. We at Shivneri boarding school are a boarding school meaning that students will be separated from their child for longer periods of time. In situations like these, it’s critical that parents take part in the life of their children. This shows children that no matter what happens their parents are always just a video call/ phone call away.

- Improved education:
Research shows that parents who are actively involved in their child’s education have a higher chance of bonding and connecting with their kids. Here are some ways in which you can help your child score well.
- Talk to the teachers – Talk to your child’s teachers and get a sense of how well your child is performing in school. Staying connected to teachers especially in a boarding school is very important because they’re the ones who are responsible for your child’s education when in school.
- Talk to your kids – Talk to your kids, ask them if they need any help in a particular subject. Help them out if they’re stuck somewhere. This can be a great bonding experience for you and your child especially since your child will be studying in a boarding school.
- Know their strengths and weaknesses – As parents we know the capability of our children. We know if our child will have any difficulty in a particular subject and which subjects they’ll master. Don’t scold your children if they scoreless in a subject, instead talk to them and help them score better next time. Students look up to their parents/ guardians. If you kids know that their parents are always there to help them, they’ll be much more confident and will work harder.

- Increased confidence:
When students feel warm and welcomed in school and at home, they’re likely to gain more self-confidence and place a higher priority on their academic achievement. Children with involved parents are more likely to feel like they’re accepted, included, and respected and at school. These positive feelings are very important for a child’s mental health. When students go to boarding schools, they’re already separated from their family members. Parents have limited interactions with their children and if this limited interaction is filled with criticisms, kids are more likely to get more distant from their parents. It’s important to disciple children when they make a mistake but it’s also important for parents to understand that the limited time they get with their children should be about making sure that they’re taken care of, their progress in school and understanding their life here in boarding schools. We at Shivneri boarding school have a 20:1 student teacher ration which is for every 20 students there is 1 teacher. This way teachers can be more involved in their student’s life. They are also the ones responsible for your child’s education
- Increased confidence –
When students feel warm and welcomed in school and at home, they’re likely to gain more self-confidence and place a higher priority on their academic achievement. Children with involved parents are more likely to feel like they’re accepted, included, and respected and at school. These positive feelings are very important for a child’s mental health. When students go to boarding schools, they’re already separated from their family members. Parents have limited interactions with their children and if this limited interaction is filled with criticisms, kids are more likely to get more distant from their parents. It’s important to disciple children when they make a mistake but it’s also important for parents to understand that the limited time they get with their children should be about making sure that they’re taken care of, their progress in school and understanding their life here in boarding schools. We at Shivneri boarding school have a 20:1 student teacher ration which is for every 20 students there is 1 teacher. This way teachers can be more involved in their student’s life. They are also the ones responsible for your child’s education

- Behavior:
Kids develop better social skills and show an improved behaviors in school when their parents are involved. Active participation of parents in their child’s life has shown that such kids are less likely to skip school, they cause less disruption in class and are more likely to do their homework on time. One study has also shows that when dads are highly involved in schools, their children enjoy school more and are less likely to be suspended, expelled or required to repeat a grade.
- Benefit to parents:
Active involvement in your child’s school is highly beneficial for parents. When parents talk to their children about school it’s important to also talk about their friends and the kind of life they live here. Get to know your child’s friends, be actively involved in the sports/ cultural activities that interest your child. Involvement in your child’s life shows them that their parents are always there for them no matter the distance. Participating in your child’s life giving them advice, helping them when they fail and boosting their confidence are all important factors in the positive growth and the overall development of your child. Schools like Shivneri boarding school offer various activities by which parents can get involved in their kid’s education. This also lifts the morale of teachers as they get greater appreciation for what they face in classrooms with children. Communicating between school and home helps teachers in knowing every individual child in a better way. This also removes any misconceptions or misunderstandings about a kid that may exist between parents and teachers.
Strengthening the inner Strength of a child is the ultimate motto of Shivneri School. We thrive to provide an infrastructure and an educational facility which will help the child to grow and evolve as a successful human being. Help us help your child in being the best possible version of themselves. Taking care of a child and raising one takes a village. We at Shivneri boarding school are a home away from home for our students, an extension of their family. Together we have the power and the responsibility of the children that are under our care. Taking care of their mental and physical wellbeing along with giving them the best educational experiences they deserve. It’s important to remember that since we are a boarding school, students will be separated from their parents and for them to form a healthy bond, parents should be actively involved in the life of their students in school.